MK Mobile Music

What Was Needed:

Mikaili Kamau, owner of MK Mobile Music DJ Services, wanted a promotional video as a way to introduce his business to clients.  He didn’t want anything overworked or flashy, but wasn’t sure about anything else.


After meeting with Mr. Kamau we realized that an introduction video was more in line with what he wanted. We came up with a simple approach and told him to:

  • Be straight-forward
  • Talk a bit about his background and life’s journey to this point
  • Talk about his love for music and sharing with others
  • Talk about his love for community

Tasks Performed:

  1. Conducted several client interviews (audio and video)
  2. Accompanied client to several of his gigs
  3. Shot b-roll
  4. Shot original photographs


After all materials were gathered, and production completed, the client was presented with a 7-minute introduction video that he was very pleased with, and fit his needs.